A homophone is a word that is pronounced the same as another word but differs in meaning. Which of these homophobes do you know? Complete these sentences with the correct choice.
1) ______________ arriving this evening.
a) There b) They´re c) Their
2) Please ____________ a tie in the office.
a) wear b) where
3) The _________ party was organized by an event team.
a) whole b) hole
4) The lunch ___________ will be at 1.00 pm.
a) brake b) break
QUIZ: Shopping
Please match each retailer with the term that best identifies it or its selling method.
word list: department store, television, hypermarket, chain store, discounter, online
1) _______ Amazon
2) _______ Aldi
3) _______ Wal-Mart
4) _________ Harrods
5) ________ HSE24
6) ________ Target
Vocabulary: The Newsagent
Diese Übung präsentiert Ihnen nützliche Begriffe aus dem Bereich "The Newsagent".
English | German |
newspaper | Zeitung |
headline | Schlagzeile |
cover | Titelseite |
magazine | Zeitschrift |
newspaper kiosk | Zeitungskiosk |
newsagent | Zeitungshändler |
chewing gum | Kaugummi |
lighter | Feuerzeug |
weekly | Wochenzeitung |
daily | Tageszeitung |
Chris Miller is a __________ and has owned a __________ for almost twenty years. He has a lot of regular customers, such as Tom Walth, who buys his __________ every morning before taking the train. His favourite ______________ is The Mirror. He also regulary buys a football __________ .Chris also has a lot of customers, who just want to buy _________ or __________ .
Adressing people
Oftmals ist man sich unsicher, wie man jemanden im Gespräch anreden soll. Darf man den Vornamen verwenden? Sollte man auf Titel achten?
Wir sagen Ihnen, wie man es richtig macht.
1. First names?
British and American business partners often use first names in business. But using first names in English is not necessarily the same as the German "Du" relationship. In a business situation, it is usually comparable to a relationship in which Germans would say "Sie".
TIP: If you are meeting English-speaking business partners, agree in advance whether you will use first or family names.
Dress code
Falls man in einem neuen Unternehmen anfängt zu arbeiten, ist es wichtig zu wissen, welcher Dress Code dort vorherrscht. Dank dieser Übung können Sie Faux-Pas in internationalen Unternehmen in Zukunft vermeiden.
Englisch | Deutsch |
(business) suit | Anzug |
collar | Kragen |
shirt | Hemd |
tie | Krawatte |
cuff | Manschette |
belt | Gürtel |
(pair of) trousers | Hose |
leather shoes | Lederschuhe, Halbschuhe |
blouse | Bluse |
sleeve | Ärmel |
blazer/jacket | Blazer/Jacke |
skirt | Rock |
hem | Saum |
tights | Strümpfe |
court shoes | Pumps |
top | Oberteil |
button | Knopf |
slacks | Hose |