Englisch lernen Koblenz

Language school Koblenz


Does your company require specific English lessons or English training in Koblenz?

We at Business English Academy can provide your company with in-house specific English training targeted for your department or needs.

Our trainers are picked by us not only for their soft skills but also for previous background experience; they come from diverse background such as lawyers or IT specialists.

We feel that global companies require a different approach to their English training and that is a more targeted or focused approach. All of our courses are in fact created individually for you to meet you company needs, so that your employees are able to operate much faster in the English language area.




All of our trainers live locally in Koblenz, enabling us to provide an in-house English language training service at the time and place of you convenience. We also put great store in blended learning. Please see the link for the detailed information on blended learning, so that you can utilise our e-learning platform, which is in fact a virtual learning platform. This enables us to dynamically upload material that is consistent with the in-house course program - so that it runs parallel to this. This is a much more effective solution to English training, as again it is targeted to your company needs. Targeted English, such as an IT English course, Financial English course or Logistics English course, is regarded by us as crucial in your company’s English language training.