English course Learning Levels
At Business English Academy we fully embraced the Common European Framework of Reference for Language Learning and Teaching (CEF) as given by the Council of Europe. It is an internationally recognized framework now incorporated in most institutions, publishers etc. across Europe. The framework has three broad categories:
A1 to A2 = Basic Speaker
B1 to B2 = Intermediate Speaker
C1 to C2 = Advanced Speaker
We have sub-divided these into + and – achieving 12 individual language levels.
A0 is a special category for pre-beginners who have virtually no knowledge of the language at all.
Before you begin a course a placement test will determine your current language level according to the CEF. Our system enables us to offer you a course that is designed to keep your interest at maximum.
A1 to A2 = Basic Speaker
In this level a very solid and deep basis for the language is built. We will rapidly build a fundamental grasp of grammar and provide you with a solid and deep vocabulary base enabling you to use and understand the way the language works. This is crucial for further good development.
B1 to B2 = Intermediate Speaker
Here we will continue to broaden and develop the language to further strengthen grammar and vocabulary. More demanding and complex language is introduced at this step.
C1 to C2 = Advanced Speaker
More complicated language is given at this level. Since most grammar hurdles have been overcome an emphasis is given to improve speaking and writing skills, further broaden complex vocabulary and improve complex sentence construction.
Here you can download the Common European Framework of Reference for Language Learning and Teaching (CEF) as a PDF in English or German:
CEF in English pdf
GER auf Deutsch pdf