Vocabulary: The Newsagent

Diese Übung präsentiert Ihnen nützliche Begriffe aus dem Bereich "The Newsagent".

English German
newspaper Zeitung
headline Schlagzeile
cover Titelseite
magazine Zeitschrift
newspaper kiosk       Zeitungskiosk
newsagent Zeitungshändler
chewing gum Kaugummi
lighter Feuerzeug
weekly Wochenzeitung
daily Tageszeitung


Chris Miller is a __________ and has owned a __________ for almost twenty years. He has a lot of regular customers, such as Tom Walth, who buys his __________ every morning before taking the train. His favourite ______________ is The Mirror. He also regulary buys a football __________ .Chris also has a lot of customers, who just want to buy _________ or __________ .




Chris Miller is a newsagent and has owned a newspaper kiosk for almost twenty years. He has a lot of regular customers, such as Tom Walth, who buys his newspaper every morning before taking the train. His favourite daily is The Mirror. He also regulary buys a sport magazine .Chris also has a lot of customers, who just want to buy lighters or chewing gums .

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