
Our E-Learning Portal

We can offer you a Business English E-Learning programme. This can be an addition to an in-company course or video-conferencing course or simply used on it's own to improve your English skills.The name of the portal is Learnparrot:  https://learnparrot.business-english-academy.de

You learn Business English alone with your computer. Most of the questions are Multiple Choice.You will learn through concrete Business English situations.

E-Learning Content:

- Business English (B1 level)
- Telephone training with audio conversations in real Business situations.
- Grammar.
- Special topics such as E-Mailing, Meetings, Negotiations etc.
- Special Business situations like travel English.


A one-off cost of 99€ per person.

 Length of programme

For this one-time fee, your course will remain open for at least 2 years.

We offer the following content in our E-Learning portal: