Indirekte Rede/Reported speech

Bei der Übertragung der direkten Rede in die indirekte Rede, müssen zwei Regeln beachtet werden:

1.) Nur wenn der Einleitungssatz in der Vergangenheit steht, findet eine Zeitverschiebung im Hauptsatz statt.

Z.B. X said, Y explained, Z told us.

2.) In der Indirekten Rede müssen sowohl die Verbformen als auch die Pronomen und Orts- und Zeitangaben verändert werden.

Z.B. Lisa: "I will have a meeting with my co-workers tomorrow." Lisa said that she would have a meeting with her co-workers the next day.



Alexa: “I was reading a book yesterday.”

Alexa told me that ____________________________________.


Mary: “Our professor will go to New York tomorrow.”

Mary said that _________________________________.


Patricia: “Tom went to the gym two hours ago.”

Patricia said that __________________________.


Susan: “My friend will marry next weekend.”

Susan said that _______________________.


Alice: “Tracy had already gone at five.

Alice said that __________________________.


David: “I spent all my money for CDs.”

David complained that ____________________________.


Michael and Elizabeth: “We didn´t eat potatoes three days ago.”

Michael and Elizabeth remarked that ___________________________________.


Victoria: “I am going to go to the Zoo this weekend.”

Victoria said to me that __________________________________.


Jason and David: “We will buy a new car tomorrow.”

Jason and David told me that ___________________________.



Alexa: “I was reading a book yesterday.”

Alexa told me that she had been reading a book the day before.


Mary: “Our professor will go to New York tomorrow.”

Mary said that their professor would go to New York the next day.


Patricia: “Tom went to the gym two hours ago.”

Patricia said that tom had gone to the gym two hours before.


Susan: “My friend will marry next weekend.”

Susan said that her friend would marry the following weekend.


Alice: “Tracy had already gone at five.

Alice said that Tracy had already gone at five.


David: “I spent all my money for CDs.”

David complained that he had spent all his money for CDs.


Michael and Elizabeth: “We didn´t eat potatoes three days ago.”

Michael and Elizabeth remarked, that they hadn´t eaten potatoes three days before.


Victoria: “I am going to go to the Zoo this weekend.”

Victoria said to me that she was going to go to the zoo that weekend.


Jason and David: “We will buy a new car tomorrow.”

Jason and David told me that they would buy a new car the next day.

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