Prepositions: In, On and At

Die Präpositionen In, On und At können im zeitlichen und örtlichen Zusammenhang verwendet werden.
In folgenden Situation werden die Präpositionen verwendet:

In: Year, Month, In 2013, In March bzw. Country, State, City, In Germany etc.

On: Day, Date, On Friday bzw. Street, On XY Road etc.

At: Time, At 5 pm bzw. Adress: At 678 Main Street etc.



1) Alex is waiting for you ___ the train station.

2) The cinema is ___ the end of the street.

3) My plane stopped ___ Singapore and arrived ___ Shanghai five hours late.

4) When will you arrive ___ the office?

5) Do you work ___ an office?

6) She has a meeting ___ San Diego.

7) Do you live ___ China?

8) The author's name is ___ the cover of the book.

9) There are no prices ___ this menu.

10) There was a no picture ___ the wall.

11) I live ___ the 8th floor ___ 21 Highland Street ___ New York.



1. at   2. at   3. at, in   4. at   5. in   6. in   7. in   8. on   9. on   10. on   11. on, at, in

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