Prepositions of time

When we talk about time in English, we often use the prepositions in, on or at.


IN: We use in with parts of the day, and with months, seasons and years.

                in the evening, in the morning, in the afternoon

                in the summer, in the spring, in the winter

                in June, in July, in December

                in 1988, in 2013, in 1776

ON: We use on with dates and days

               on Monday, on Wednesday, on Saturday

               on his birthday, on Christmas Day

               on March 16th      

AT: We use at for times of the day, and with meals and melatimes:

               at 2 p.m., at seven o'clock

               at lunchtime, at dinner, at breakfast



Complete the sentences with in, on, or at.


1. We can play soccer ______ the winter.

2. She must leave ______ six o'clock.

3. Lisa is going home _____ Sunday.

4. Mark was born ____ 1987.

5. My birthday is ____ April 11th.



1. We can play soccer in the winter.

2. She must leave at six o'clock.

3. Lisa is going home on Sunday.

4. Mark was born in 1987.

5. My birthday is on April 11th



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