Business Vokabeltraining

Ordnen Sie die folgenden Abteilungen ihren Aufgaben zu:

Personnel, accounts, logistics, production, quality control, sales team, purchasing department, research and development, marketing, planning

1.)    Buys in products and services. _______________

2.)    Recruits and looks after staff. _________________


3.)    Persuades people to buy the company´s products or services. __________________

4.)    Responsible for the manufacturing goods. ___________________

5.)    Looks for and develops new products. _____________________

6.)    Deals with advertising and product launches. _______________________

7.)    Sets out future strategy. ____________________

8.)    Responsible for invoicing and payments. ___________________

9.)    Distribution of good. __________________________




1.)    purchasing department

2.)    personel

3.)    sales team

4.)    production

5.)    research and development

6.)    marketing

7.)    planning

8.)    accounts

9.)    logistics